Dante & mr. Bin

From: scerir (scerir@libero.it)
Date: Wed Aug 21 2002 - 14:33:44 MDT

Queridos amigos,
It seems that mr. Bin is very angry because Dante Alighieri
wrote, at that time, something about Mohammed, which is
(perhaps) not fair.

Dante Alighieri, La Divina Commedia, canto XXVIII, circle 8,
malebolge of fraud, ninth bolgia, sowers of discord.

Into the ninth bolgia Dante's horrifying vision of the 'sowers of splits
and schisms' features Mohammed, the founder of Islam, who, along
with the other sinners here has been split from chin to crotch with his
guts hanging out. Note the total intolerance for another religion; this
is typical of the christian middle ages and later; it led to many wars
against those who believed differently (including different sects of christians)
and massacres of unbelievers as well as christian heretics Another sower of
discord was Bertram de Born, a Provencal troubadour poet. In the same
canto he carries his head like a lantern because he used vicious scandals
to separate Henry II of England from his eldest son. Therefore, his head
is separated from his body.

        Mentre che tutto in lui veder m'attacco,
        guardommi, e con le man s'aperse il petto,
        dicendo: "Or vedi com'io mi dilacco!
        vedi come storpiato è Maometto!
        Dinanzi a me sen va piangendo Alì,
        fesso nel volto dal mento al ciuffetto.
        E tutti li altri che tu vedi qui,
        seminator di candalo e di scisma
        fur vivi, e però son fessi così.

        While I was all agog with gazing at him,
        He stared at me and, as his two hands pulled
        His chest apart, cried, "Look how I rip myself!
        Look at how mangled is Mohammed here!
        In front of me, Ali treks onward, weeping,
        His face cleft from his chin to his forelock.
        And all the others whom you see down here
        Were sowers of scandal and schism while
        They lived, and for this they are rent in two.

Unfortunately in Bologna (Italy), in the famous church of
San Petronio, there is an old fresco (XV sec, you can
see someting here below) in which Mohammed burns in
the ninth bolgia

As you can see somebody was arrested, yesterday,
in Bologna, because (supposedly) he was planning
to destroy that fresco, or the whole church.

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