Re: In the news

From: Hubert Mania (
Date: Tue Aug 20 2002 - 02:00:25 MDT

Spudboy 100 wrote:

>>Humania, it sounds to me like a case of poor journalism. I am big on how
news orgs "parachute" someone into a foreign environment, and present a
half-truth excellently.<<

Well, my expectations are low when it comes to dealing with those
parachute-writers. Your picture hits the nail. They come flying in, stumble
around, notice of course the lunatic fringes, take off again and then
elaborate on what you think are minor details.
>>That is what you are dealing with, in many journalistic cases. I can see
its amazing what gets "blue penciled" by what journalists refer to as "style
sheets" (basically a party-line list of phrases, and opinion geared to make
the editor or owner happy).<<

That's the point. And you can't do anything about it. No matter if you
present your case as user friendly as possible or in the most rational
manner, if an author wants to sell his private opinion or the standpoint of
his editor you don't have a chance.

But even when a transhumanist is given the chance of writing an essay about
TH in a German language magazine on the internet - there is one with a very
open minded editor who tries to cover the TH development : he will be
confronted with deliberate misunderstanding, mockery that punches you
right in the belly, open hatered and personal insults. They come from people
with a strong leftist background (Adorno, the whole Frankfurt school of
thought, Hegel, Marx, Bloch, etc) and they twist your words around in
their mouths so you look like a moron and a Nazi alltogether. So, being
used to that kind of background, I found Anderton's article pretty moderate.

>>[..] Not to remind everyone of Hitler again, but even adolph and joesph
goebbels saw what happened, when they
succeeded into power. Many of their opponents became freshly-minted nazis.
The nazi heirachy reffered to them as "march violets", springing up new
after the winter thaw.<<

Looking at the Nazi branches James Hughes pointed at, I am happy that they
are at least no German speaking march violets with a swastika blossom
claiming to have transhuman roots. That would be the death of TH in Germany.

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