Re: In the News

From: Natasha Vita-More (
Date: Mon Aug 19 2002 - 21:32:32 MDT

At 02:40 PM 8/19/02 -0700, Regina wrote:

>Thanks Natasha.
>yeah that's right, you were a Green also.

Until I realized that the party had too much in-house squabbles and I
couldn't get much work done -:) I learned a lot though and it was a good
way to test the waters and get to know how the mind of the Greens work,
which is ideologically similar to Greenpeace, etc.

>I wonder if we are the only two?

I think that the genre of Green that we favored is not the same as the
Green that has become so anti-technology of the past years. We simply
wanted to see the stars at night and the horizon during the days -:)

>I got involved with them during my more easy days of San Francisco in the
>mid 80's.
>Even during that time, having not heard of cryonics or futurist or any
>body like myself, I found that I was
>arguing with people in the green movement for solutions for our problems
>with technology.


>Now, much later, I feel, its not technology that will save us, or the lack
>of technology, or Superman for that matter, that will keep us from
>becoming what is probably yet another zero type civilization that never
>makes it and dies in its infancy, but it will be ourselves that gets us
>out of the quagmire.
>I think I'm probably preaching to the choir on this.

Just don't put on one of those white colors. Purple is more becoming.




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