RE: And What if Manhattan IS Nuked?

Date: Sun Aug 18 2002 - 11:57:30 MDT

Lee wrote:

> Well, I can't tell if you're an American, but if you are,
> then all you have to ask yourself is how you felt last
> September 11. Not surprisingly, however, a good many
> Brits, other English speakers, and a few other Europeans
> seemed not only quite personally affected, but so angry
> that they wanted retaliation too.

Canadian, actually... working in the tallest government building in my
country's Capital on that day, and I imagined there was a giant glowing
bullseye on it. I felt three things simultaneously: distress that people were
dying, worry that I might be next, and hysteria that "someone's really gonna
get it now!".

> Or perhaps you've just evolved beyond having those
> impulses that nature took so many millions of years
> to develop in the rest of us.

No. I've got impulses. But I have found that I don't *have* to act on them
in a knee-jerk way. Well thought out responses often get me closer to my
goals, and by analogy this will apply to nations also.

As you mentioned, there have been several excellent posts suggesting actions
that could find/punish the guilty, and defend/prevent future occurances. I am
glad to be here to read them.

Michael Roy Ames

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