Re: And What if Manhattan IS Nuked?

From: Eliezer S. Yudkowsky (
Date: Sun Aug 18 2002 - 08:35:11 MDT

Anders Sandberg wrote:
> OK, I perhaps should explain a bit more clearly why I would trust
> layered but imperfect defenses (although Bruce Schneier does a better
> job at that).
> Imagine the enemy having to overcome one super defense (forcefields, SI,
> whatever) to wreak havoc. No defense is ever perfect, so there is a
> finite probability P of it failing. The cost of a perfect defense is
> also enormous and grows fast; I would expect it to scale at least as
> 1/P. A 99.9% safe defense would be ten times as expensive as a 99% safe
> system.
> Compare this super-defense with having N layers of less powerful
> defenses, each with a probability Q of failing. If the threat got through
> defense 1, it would still have a 1-Q chance of being caught in the next.
> The risk of it passing all the layers is Q^N, which shrinks very fast as
> N increases. The total cost would be N/Q. So if we have ten layers of 90%
> safe defenses the risk of failure is 10^-10 and the cost is 100. A single
> super-defense with the same risk would cost 10^10.

This is a rather specious argument, Anders. As far as I can tell the
entire reasoning consists of calling a multicomponent shielding system
proposed by humans a "multi-layer" defense; while any system proposed by
an SI, no matter how intricately optimized to maximize safety while
minimizing cost, counts as a "single-layer" defense. Why? Because you,
as a human, don't comprehend what the layers are and how they work, and in
fact the optimal solution doesn't consist of these chunky discrete "layer"
things at all, so to you it's a "single thing". Your human-level
solution, of course, has modularity that you can understand, even though
it's charmingly inadequate as a system design, so you consider that to be
"multi-layered" and hence fitting your heuristic "don't put all your eggs
in one basket", even though your system has far sparser coverage... being
squarely in the tiny "human basket".

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky                
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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