Re: And What if Manhattan IS Nuked?

Date: Sat Aug 17 2002 - 13:49:00 MDT

Curtis noted:
<<Just like destroying the temple got rid of the Jews, hmm? Or Jerusalem
falling to the Muslims did in the Christians? The only real artifact there
is the Black Stone and it's such a transparent tack-on anyway.>>

The Islamic "real," is ruled exclusively by power and the perception of
power. We need not destroy Islam as a religion, but force a separation of
church and state. If Mecca is eliminated, in retaliation for a cohesive
Jihaddi destruction of a US city, that would induce such a change. The point
is, many Muslims appear to believe that if they succeed, Allah is on their
side, if they fail, Allah is against them.

Moreover, whether anyone on this list agrees or not, the response of the
American people would be for vengence, if such a plan and terrorist action,
could be demonstarted.

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