Re: And What if Manhattan IS Nuked?

From: Damien Broderick (
Date: Fri Aug 16 2002 - 22:15:07 MDT

At 03:11 PM 8/16/02 -0700, Lee wrote of Brian Williams' far-fetched scenario:

>Let me assume that, say, exactly six leading Muslim nations
>were found to be in on the conspiracy.

`Were found to be', eh. By whom? Who gets told about this, and what kind of
evidence would be regarded as compelling? And what is a `Muslim nation' to
make such decisions? And why do the millions of humans in such `Muslim
nations' deserve to be volatilized because of the (purported) decisions of
an elite group of crazed murderers?

>Well, Brian, for me that means that the six capitals get
>H-bombed in return, (or whichever cities the Americans
>believe the enemy leaders to be in).

`Or whichever cities the Americans *believe the enemy leaders to be in*'

Reason, outrage and sarcasm fail me. What list is this again? The rabid
`Trust your government and its departments to tell you the whole truth,
this is America One Nation Under God after all' list?

Sorry Lee, I know you're a good fellow, but this hypothetical assessment
seems to me to verge on the criminally deranged--even if it is an opinion I
expect would be very widely shared. (And yes, of course by many Australians
too if the equivalent situation were posed here and we, shudder, had access
to nuclear weapons and delivery systems.)

Damien Broderick

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