Re:META: Trolling?

From: Michael Wiik (
Date: Fri Aug 16 2002 - 12:20:08 MDT wrote:

>> Even on this highly intellectual list it's clear to me that some people
>> have very visible, easy-to-use buttons on them that will elicit highly
>> predictable, almost automatic responses when pressed. So I don't apologize
>> or
>> think it's bad if I start 'experimenting' on folks by pushing such buttons
> in various combinations and sequences.

>Aha! This explains your comments about the fiendish "Mr Corbin"

in your posts on American Education? 8-D

But it worked! You responded (in that thread) with an intelligent post! I
found a button!! ding ding ding ding ding ding. I win! :-)

Now I understand what to do. Pre-condemn likely responses. [Example using
various list members elided due to lawsuit concerns]. (Actually, I see this
technique used by others on occasion, so I wouldn't be the first.)

Let's all play find the buttons! We all got lots! Maybe Anders can incorporate
them in his list sociographs.

I'm thinking, this could be another discussion metatype. Imagine signing on in
the morning and finding all other list members up and awake and all working
together, carefully deconstructing and psychoanalyzing each and every sentence
you had ever written to the list. This would be plotted out chronologically
and compared with intelligence as to the work status, love life, and other
dimensions of your existence at the time of each post. Any web pages or
notes in other forums would be plotted in too. Some folks would already be
interpreting your writings as really a desperate, subconscious cry for help
and sincerely urging immediate intervention, with law enforcement and mental
health professionals in tow.

Muahaha -Mike

P.S. Did I just troll the META: Trolling thread? No.

This message was posted by Michael Wiik to the Extropians 2002 board on ExI BBS.

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