Re: Updating list sociogram

From: Anders Sandberg (
Date: Fri Aug 16 2002 - 02:05:16 MDT

Thanks everyone!

Mike Lorrey
> This is great, Anders. Now you just need it to build image maps
> on-the-fly so that we can view the messages written....

The maps should update every hour right now; originally they updated
every minute. However, the list archives doesn't seem to update
themselves that fast, so there was no point in it. (I notice that the
current map seem a bit too out of date, I have to see if I have a bug in
my routine for fetching the latest batch).

> Wow, very cool. What did you implement this in? Willing to share the
> source? ;-)

This is just plain Java, and I will of course make the source available

> Some bits of it aren't too easy to read (and there's some
> non-ISO-8859-1 encoded stuff hanging out in there, growing really
> long).

Yes, I already have a filter stripping "Re: " and "Fwd:" from the
subjects, so I will add a non-ISO stripper/translator.

> Anders, would you make the subject a different colour from the postor
> names? That might make it easier to read.

Sure. The graphical design leaves a bit to be desired - the cyan color
is ugly, the background ought to be less sterile and getting the text to
not overlap has turned out to be a tricky problem. I'll tinker with it
over the next few days.

On Thu, Aug 15, 2002 at 11:55:50PM -0400, Harvey Newstrom wrote:
> This is wonderfully facinating stuff, Anders! Your Jupiter brain seems
> to be progressing faster than mine. I'm still having monkey DNA-faults
> in mine. (Damn meat-brain!) But now whenever I see tinker-toys, I will
> think of you.

:-) Thanks!

I think the reason for my fast progress is simply heat. Right now we have
tropical heat (at least it feels like that) and that of course inhibits
all serious official work...

> (Do they have tinker-toys in Sweden? There were wonderfully creative
> little wooden spokes and hubs that could be put together into fantastic
> creations which remind me of your ball-and-stick diagrams. See
> <> if you
> have no idea what I'm rambling about.)

I know what you mean, but I played with legos instead as a child. Hmm,
maybe there will be two different paradigms in nanotech, the people who
played with tinkertoys and the ones who played with lego as a child. One
doing high density structures, the other low density.

Anders Sandberg                                      Towards Ascension!                  
GCS/M/S/O d++ -p+ c++++ !l u+ e++ m++ s+/+ n--- h+/* f+ g+ w++ t+ r+ !y

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