RE: META: Trolling?

From: Phil Osborn (
Date: Thu Aug 15 2002 - 19:15:43 MDT

Goodness knows, we can't have any "thought
experiments!" Who knows what uncensored new ideas
might somehow be turned loose on the world.

Not that I've personally used the tactics in question,
but I personally neither care nor can understand why
anyone else cares about the motivation of a poster,
unless I plan to have some kind of personal or direct
business relations with them. What does it matter?

It's like an extension of this silly bunch of postings
about "how much we ought to punish criminals." Who
cares how much some criminal hurts? What matters is
that we (I assume) non-criminals are safe in our
property, either through preventative measures such as
security systems or via effective legal/economic
systems that provide restitution. It's not my
personal business to know or want to know what
motivates some thief, except insofaras it applies to
how to increase my own security cost-effectively, or
in the case that I might have a personal relationship
with him or her. Otherwise, it's simply none of my
business, and if I make it my business and impose some
"punishment" instead of restitution, then I stand to
end up paying restitution to the criminal.

So why worry yourself sick over the wierd motivations
some poster to the list may have? All that matters is
whether the post is interesting and what one might get
from it or from a discussion that might follow.

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