Re: META: Trolling?

From: Brian D Williams (
Date: Thu Aug 15 2002 - 08:05:03 MDT

>From: Harvey Newstrom <>

>That is not the complaint. Changing people's minds is one of the
>main reasons we debate on this list. Most people would be
>thrilled if their carefully crafted arguments changed the minds of
>other people.


>The complaint is when someone says, "OK, I fooled you all. I
>never really believed what I claimed. I just wanted to see all
>the responses I could trigger. I'm not really going to debate any
>of your well-researched posts, since I really don't care about the
>position I claimed. You wasted your time researching and
>responding to me. Thanks for playing."

Strawman argument, this is not what I said at all, what I said and
I quote was:

"Okay, I confess, I was being deliberately provocative in my

Not the same thing at all.

>What's worse is when people argue that this is a useful technique
>and they plan to keep fooling us in the future. It makes me
>question whether I should put any effort into responding or not.

It's a standard debating tactic that I learned and delighted
philosopy professors with in college.

Since it is not well understood nor appreciated here I will not use
it again.



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