Re: Nature Article

Date: Thu Aug 15 2002 - 00:33:35 MDT

D. Broderick noted:
<<Maybe what they're missing is an interesting intersection of two ideas that
struck me the other day with the news from Lineweaver and Davies that *c*
was perhaps infinitely fast at Big Bang t0 (and swiftly slowed), and my
notion of the Very Fast Evolution Machine (in THE SPIKE). Amid the noise
and propinquity of the first fractions of a second, there might have been
time for whole constellations of life to evolve and bootstrap themselves to
`godlike' intelligence and power over their environment, *a fortiori* if
particle exchanges were happening very much faster than *c* in such a
compacted spacetime. >>

Indeed, or mayhaps the speed of light, in some situations is maleable; but
never under typical situations the cosmos seems to present today. We shan't
have Warp Drive tomorrow; but certainly later in the epochs of intelligence
that will occur far downstream from us, they will obtain the universe.

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