Re: globalization of fear

From: Brian D Williams (
Date: Wed Aug 14 2002 - 08:01:57 MDT

>From: Harvey Newstrom <>

> Damien Sullivan wrote:
>> I'm amazed how people I thought were libertarians and
>>anarchists, who don't even trust the US to fund scientific
>>research at home, trust it to act in "our best interests" abroad.

>Yes. I am saddened that people only profess to believe in freedom
>and rights when it is their freedoms and rights. They couldn't
>care less about letting anybody else have the same freedoms and

Well since Damien was addressing me when he wrote the above, I can
reasonably assume you are too.

Nothing I've written could lead to the above conclusion. It is of
course incorrect.

>I, too, am amazed that people who strongly argue anarchist,
>libertarian, and individual causes are so willing to chuck them
>out the window. I can only assume that they never really believed
>or understood these concepts in the first place.

I know this might be difficult, but try finding a few facts to back
up this conclusion.


Extropy Institute,
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