Re: globalization of fear

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Tue Aug 13 2002 - 23:30:34 MDT wrote:
> In a message dated 8/13/2002 5:28:20 AM Central Standard Time,
> writes: U.S. considering wide terror hunt
> That seems to be mostly old news dolled up as something fresh and exciting.
> Bush said in the beginning that he was going to pursue the terrorists
> wherever they are. He also said that other people were with us or against us
> in our pursuit of terrorist.

Yes. And he should have been immediately thrown out as a
dangerous idiot. You don't tell all the nations of the earth
that they either give you carte blanche or else. Any simpleton
knows that much. You don't tell the nations of the world you
will ignore their borders and sovereignity at will without them
seeing you as a very dangerous rogue.

> Any good handbook on guerrilla warfare will tell you that above all a
> guerrilla needs a safe haven where he will be safe from pursuit. Bush is
> only announcing to the terrorists that he will find no such place.

By telling all non-guerrillas that we will tear hell out of
their country at will and on suspicion without even asking their
leave, much less abiding by their laws? Sorry, but that is
international hooliganism and is itself worse than the disease.

> However I do agree that Bush cannot afford to be so hamhanded that he
> gets the entire world mad at us at the same time.

Ah, so do you think he is basically right but it would be bad if
people got mad at us but isn't bad in principle?

> I guess I am uneasy with this whole picture of considering ourselves
> engaged in a war. In my mind it is much more like a campaign against
> pirates. Sometimes pirates would construct a den that was so strong that we
> used the military against them but it wasn't a war with an independent
> nation.

And you don't go busting up another country looking for such
dens generally.

>After the pirates were wiped out we gave the country back to its
> rightful citizenry as we have done in Afghanistan and as we are preparing to
> do in Iraq.

No. You have no right to go busting up countries in order to
wipe out what you believe or claim are pirates without any
semblance of obeying international law. How would you feel if
say, India invaded your home town and flattened the
neighborhoods of some of your dearest friends chasing terrorist
that committed some horrid act on its soil? You would
rightfully consider such an act of war. So why pretend it is
any different if it is the US threatening to do whatever it
wants in any/every country of the world it might believe harbors

- samantha

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