Re: The "other" side of 29.....

From: Amara Graps (
Date: Mon Aug 12 2002 - 07:41:39 MDT

Michael Wiik:

[story about cutting a grassy lawn with scissors deleted]

>Other than as an example of fascist oppression, or a supreme waste of
>time, I never got the point of this story.

Are you sure?

The story rings zen or sufi to my ears.

The student is given an undertaking that may not seem scientific or
reasonable. However, for the purposes of his/her self-development,
he/she must carry it out, with total focus. It is the framework within
which his/her mental and moral development is carried out.

It is something like the perspective that competitive sport or
scholastic undertakings are carried out: that is, the mountain or the
PhD or the muscular development are the fixed points, but they are not
the element which is actually being transformed by the effort. It's the
inner self that is being transformed.


Amara Graps, PhD          email:
Computational Physics     vita:
Multiplex Answers         URL:
"We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." --Anais Nin

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