Re: Degrees of Freedom

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Sat Aug 10 2002 - 02:59:37 MDT

Brian Phillips wrote:

> From: Samantha Atkins <>

> So you wouldn't put up with it (bravo), but you don't
> object to the employer's right to insist on it as a condition
> of future association? Do I have that right?

I don't consider demanding submission to an arbitary and
demeaning action as a valid basis for future association. The
employer and everyone else has to right to make such harebrained
conditions terms of contracts and conditions of more gneral
assocation generally speaking. And they will suffer the
consequences if their terms and conditions are burdensome.

Now all of that does not speak to the very real power imbalance
that can exist in these situations. Some arbitrary terms are in
my opinion contemptible enough that they should probably be
illegal. At least I am not don't fully see that this is
unnecessary in all more extreme cases.

- samantha

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