Would you buy a transhumanist PRINT magazine?

From: estropico (estropico@virgilio.it)
Date: Fri Aug 09 2002 - 07:11:52 MDT

I have long thought that the "movement" needs a *print* magazine, both as a
focus and as an outreach tool. Me and a few of others that have met through
ExtroBritannia (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/extrobritannia) in London are
now seriously thinking of going ahead with a project in this direction.

The point of this post is to have the idea kicked about by the list in order
to highlight any weaknesses, come up with new ideas, and to gauge the general
level of interest.

The idea is to put together the best articles published by a wide range of
websites, organisations and individuals, such as KurzweilAI.net (which is
the inspiration and would-be model for the magazine), Extropy, Foresight
Institute, IMM, Nanodot, Nanogirl News, Transhumanity, Singularity Institute,
Alcor, Cryonics Institute, American Cryonics Society, Sandberg's website,
Periastron, LEF, etc, etc, etc.

I doubt that such a magazine could succeed if owned/run by any single
transhumanist group, because it could be perceived as partisan by
transhumanists and as cultish by the general public and because it could
rapidly run out of quality material to publish.

The idea rests on three assumptions:

1.There is a market out there for such a magazine (I realise that an initial
circulation of a very few hundreds would be a success)
2. People are willing to pay for a magazine mostly made up (at least at the
beginning) of articles freely available on the web
3. The above-mentioned organisations are willing to offer their material for
free (their only gain being the publicity)

What I have in mind is a quarterly, not-for-profit publication, available
internationally, sold mostly on the web, but also available at some physical
location (specialist bookshops and wherever it's possible to have it
commercially distributed, but this might be something to consider if and when
the mag grows in popularity).

Any ideas, suggestions, criticisms?


This message was posted by estropico to the Extropians 2002 board on ExI BBS.

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