Re: Questions about protocol: (was: As war with Iraq seems to be more on the agenda...)

From: Alex Ramonsky (
Date: Thu Aug 08 2002 - 04:24:05 MDT

(reply below)

Mike Lorrey wrote:

>--- Alex Ramonsky <> wrote:
>>Mike Lorrey wrote:
>>>Well, Samantha, we already know that you'd like
>>>nothing more than to bow down, apologize, and
>>>surrender to the muslim world, so this is no real
>>Is the above paragraph a joke, or tongue-in-cheek dig at Samantha, as
>>amusing sarcasm based on the fact that you two know each other well
>>enough for such friendly fun?
>>Is it serious, as in, does one person really believe that about
>Since Samantha has been ranting and repeating the "blame America first"
>mantra since the very eve of 9/11 (and long before that date as well),
>among others on the list, I believe that my statement is a rather
>factual, if generalized, representation of the consequences of her
>stance, though it might not actually represent her concious intent.
Okay, we're getting _somewhere_... the bit I don't understand now is
'the consequences of her stance'. Does this mean, 'I believe this to
be true about this person because of the things they have said in the
past'? (I'm really sorry I don't have time to trawl the archives,
unless I really really have to to find my answer)
Another possibility is you believe that the results (the consequences)
of her ideas and desires on this subject would, if logically followed,
lead to the behaviour described in the original paragraph?
Or I have missed the point, in which case I'll risk boring your ass off
by questioning you further. : )

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