Re: Demarchy's promise

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Tue Aug 06 2002 - 23:03:28 MDT

Technotranscendence wrote:

> On Tuesday, August 06, 2002 4:15 PM Brian D Williams
> wrote:
>>>I think the UN's being more benign than some of its component
>>>pieces -- the US Congress is no doubt more benign as a whole than
>>>some of its worst elements too -- because it is not a full-fledged
>>>government. Give it that kind of power and watch it get much
>>I think the U.N. is fine as a place for governments to get together
>>and try to discuss things and work out problems.
> Yeah, things like how to pick on other societies and divide up spheres
> of influence...:)

You mean as opposed to only the US deciding how to divvy things
up under cover of the "War on Terror"?

>>The problem is
>>that the U.N. and its supporters are trying to evolve it into a
>>World Government.
>>Something I will fight tooth, fang, and claw.
> I'm sure that will stop them.:)

It was part of the original idea to have it be in some senses a
  world governing or directing body over some domains in order
for nations to have some recourse other than war when they
disagreed and to act as a body for forming international
standards and addressing international concerns. That is not
that unreasonable an idea. The notion of one government united
the entire world is of course very old and again not necessarily
a horrible idea depending on the nature of that government.

- samantha

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