Re: Penology

From: Michael Wiik (
Date: Tue Aug 06 2002 - 13:30:21 MDT

Brian D Williams <> wrote:

> In the case of the death penalty, I support "Final Death" (no
> suspension). Since their victim has no hope of recovery, neither
> should they.

Interesting to imagine how this could be different if the victim has a
hope of recovery. If victim suspension can be performed in time, the
murderer could be executed but also suspended and used to test
reanimation procotols prior to use on the victim.

Since it follows that the perp's death should match that of the victim
(within constraints) to make the reanimation protocol tests more
effacious, the perp would get the death penalty applied in a manner
similar to the victim's death.

This might deter messy, gut-splattering, limb-chomping, head-splintering
type murders (axe, machinegun, chainsaw), but I could foresee an
increase in clean, minimal fuss murders (neurotoxin, needle, ice-pick)
unless somehow else deterred.

Just thinking out loud here, we might be able to deter male suicide
bombers via creating a heaven on earth scenario. Basically a brothel
providing use of six dozen loving, caring women providing free unlimited
hosting and sexual services to any terrorist who comes by. Obviously,
any terrorist walking into such an institution would agree to provide
verifiable information on his fellows, since otherwise I can see mass
populations of self-identified terrorists overloading such facilities.
Overnight we turn the prostitutes of America into front-line warriors to
secure the homeland!



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