RE: Psych/Philo: Brains want to cooperate

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Tue Aug 06 2002 - 12:08:14 MDT

--- Lee Corbin <> wrote:>
> How do you explain Ridley's example of tipping in a
> restaurant
> that you know you'll never visit again, or my
> example of letting
> someone out ahead of you from a crowded parking lot
> when traffic's
> really bad?

THese are examples of rational long term self
interest, because both cited acts contribute to the
net politeness in society, such as flushing a public
toilet, not throwing garbage on the ground, etc. "What
comes around goes around" is the rule here, where your
acts help maintain a polite and courteous treatment by
others not only to yourself, but to other others who
will also treat you well.

If the social more for behavior in public toilets is
kept at a high level, you are far more likely to enjoy
clean and decent public toilets in the future, not
matter whether you actually visit the particular
public toilet you yourself behaved well in in the past.

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