Re: As war with Iraq seems to be more on the agenda...

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Tue Aug 06 2002 - 02:40:21 MDT

Mike Lorrey wrote:

> Generally, when a democratic nation changes leaders in
> the middle of a war, that nation will surrender or
> otherwise lose the war (Russia in WWI, US in Vietnam,
> USSR in Afghanistan, France in WWII, etc). Therefore,
> I think it is highly relevant, despite the degree to
> which some list members dislike the Bush administration.
> __________

I don't care how many "wars" we lose. Bush and company must go.
  It is not a matter of "dislike". It is a matter of the
greatest threat to American freedom and well-being that has been
called "President". Do you actually like this man who threatens
so much I thought you believed in?

- samantha

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