Re: As war with Iraq seems to be more on the agenda...

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Mon Aug 05 2002 - 12:18:06 MDT

--- Harvey Newstrom <> wrote:
> On Thursday, August 1, 2002, at 05:18 pm, Mike
> Lorrey wrote:
> > It's my opinion that Ritter is on the take with
> > Saddam, or at least some anti-war arabs/europeans.
> Not everyone you disagree with is a traitor or a
> conspirator. Maybe he
> just has a differing opinion on the matter.

It was rather interesting watching his rather rapid
turnaround in the mid 1990's on this. Ritter is, after
all, the fellow that Saddam wanted off the inspection
team and out of the country because he was a CIA
agent, which he apparently found out via his Russian
intelligence contacts who had their own people on the
inspection team.

Saddam had demanded that the Russians be on the
inspection team, and once they were, the team was
always expected ahead of time at any of their supposed
'surprise' inspections, and any incriminating evidence
was rapidly cleared out ahead of time. After several
months of this, Ritter could 'claim' that he hadn't
found any new weapons, yet he was replaced by Hans
Blix who determined that there were still, in fact,
weapons being shuffled around in a shell game.

If Ritter isn't on the take, then he's an extremely
egotistical person who refuses to believe that he
could be duped.

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