Re: interning nukers

Date: Sun Aug 04 2002 - 11:30:42 MDT

charleshixsn noted:

<<In the cases of which I am aware, it worked perfectly in that local whites
were able to buy up the property of the Japanese for pennies on the dollar.
No problem occured in Hawaii, which had a large Japanese population, and
didn't interr any of them.>>

Indeed, it was merely economic predation, as was also practiced in WW2 Europe
by the nazis and their collaborators; and the Southern Whites who expelled
the Europeanized Cherokee in 1828. In that case, whole towns were abandoned
and taken over, for nothing. My original point is that we focus on people
who will likely support Islamist actions against USA citizens, while living
here as residents, or have falsely taken up citizenship, while acting as
willing pawns for Islamist orgs.

If the Islamists aren't here to set up safe houses, provide lawyers, raise
money for their campaigns here and overseas, purchase weapons and
electronics, provide maps, and the rest; then they'll be less of a chance of
a successful terror attack, and less of a chance of a human rights violation.
People living here as residents and naturalized citizens, need to be screened
now, to help ensure against Islamists actions against US citizens.

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