Re: US and EU

From: Giu1i0 Pri5c0 (
Date: Fri Aug 02 2002 - 10:56:18 MDT

Take for example the European global telecom system (GSM, now GPRS tomorrow UMTS). It does wonders for the quality of life in Europe: I can travel everywhere in Europe with a phone (always the same one) and a PDA, and have wireless internet access everywhere. Gets faster and cheaper all the time. This has taken massive amounts of bureaucracy and state intervention, hundreds of person years of committee time, and tons of paperwork, but we must admit that the end result makes it worth.

<<<Neat series on the strains and cracks in the US/Europe relationship, and why. Last article was on the accomplishments of the EU, and how Americans don't understand it. I suspect many libertarian extropians won't either. Maybe Amara and Damien will.>>>

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