Re: Man Criticizes Government, News at 11

Date: Fri Aug 02 2002 - 00:58:26 MDT

In a message dated 8/1/02 22:21:25, writes:

>I remember better then you can perhaps guess. Yet, even Jerry Falwell's
>have yet to crash planes into building or to detonate themselves in

Probably because they don't have to. They can bomb Afghanis or Iraqis
they wish to kill, with some degree of accuracy. Zionists were terrorists
when they had to be, shifted to military procedure when they could, and
IMO would go bock to stereotypical terrorism if it were needed. I doubt
the Christian fundies are any different.

To be fair, although
I'm sure Ashcroft wants to do horrible things to anybody who performed
an abortion or smoked a joint, the Christian fundies aren't currently
proposing changes as bad as the jihaddi. But, they have a much higher
chance of enforcing them; further, they might get nastier again.

>This "war" shall outlast the
>Bush adminsitration in the way the Cold War out-lasted several American
>administrations. This will not be over tomorrow, not for people who plan
>50-75 years in the future, because for them, after all, its Insh Allah.

True; but Xtian fundies will outlast the Bush administration too, and their
% of the US keeps growing. The Bush administration's policies are not
a fluke; these folk are numerous, wealthy, and influential. Indications
are that Bush went to bed with them because he had to, not because
he wanted to. That equation's unlikely to change.

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