Star Wars (was As war with Iraq seems to be more on the agenda)

From: John K Clark (
Date: Thu Aug 01 2002 - 11:27:10 MDT

"Charles Hixson" <> Wrote:

>StarWars defeated the USSR.

I doubt that very much. The leaders of the USSR were not very smart but I
doubt they were so dumb as to panic and spend themselves into bankruptcy
over a silly idea like Star Wars. I'll bet the percentage of GNP spent on
weapons was considerably less in the late 80's than in was in the 50's, and
I don't even want to talk about the 40's. The USSR went bankrupt because
their ideology forced them to stay with a inefficient and corrupt economic
system that had no self correcting mechanism, so it kept getting worse. We
can't take credit, it collapsed from within.

     John K Clark

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