META: new discussion formats?

From: Michael Wiik (
Date: Wed Jul 31 2002 - 11:44:59 MDT

I had a couple of discussion formats I wanted to bounce off the list.

1) Scheduled arguments: Instead of arguing over the latest twist
concerning GM foods or luddites or whatever we instead schedule
arguments, and discuss instead the URLs and other references we plan to
use to support our side. (Sort of like the Paris negotiations during
Vietnam, where they discussed the shape of the table before getting to
the actual issues.) The references could be considered like a jury, and
each side would get to toss a few references off the table. That way,
when the true arguing begins (with citations restricted to the agreed
set of references), it'd at least be a more info-rich environment. Maybe
we could even lose the restrictions on discussing gun control.

2) Token-passing. Maybe once a year or so, the list administrators set
it up so that on any given day, only one person can post. This would be
scheduled too, at least a month in advance so folks could claim their
day. There are hundreds of list members, but it seems comparitively few
actual posters. There would be gaps in the schedule, we'd move folks up
so that the token-passing forum wouldn't take all year. It'd be fun to
see which folks talk about themselves and what they are doing versus
which folks use their day criticising others.

I realize things like this wouldn't work for normal people, but think
extropians are different. Or maybe not.

Just a thought,


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