Re: conspiracy: david icke ?

From: Alex Ramonsky (
Date: Tue Jul 30 2002 - 04:48:07 MDT

Lee Corbin wrote:

>Well, in high school I figured that they'd just grow up; I mean,
>how much intelligence does it really require to see how much
>nonsense there is in the world? But through mostly not caring
>about what you and I'd call the truth, and then, as you say, not
>being terribly bright to begin with, those people supply the
>tabloids and cults with a huge potential market.
No, I mean, when you were a kid, didn't you think that most _adults_
were pretty dim? (Or did you mean adults could still grow up?)

>But on the other hand, true conspiracy buffs are almost always
>very intelligent. They know their stuff, and have usually at
>their command far more facts and figures than I do about whatever
>it is, the Kennedy Assassination, black helicopters, UFOs, or
>whatever. So for these---as opposed to the merely credulous---
>I really think my explanation above is part of the answer.
The other big difference is that _they_ don't ask you for all your
wordly goods or a massive check to get their information!

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