Re: Unabomber's new anti-civilization essay in Green Anarchy

From: Harvey Newstrom (
Date: Sun Jul 28 2002 - 21:45:59 MDT

On Sunday, July 28, 2002, at 07:34 pm, Mike Lorrey wrote:

> Max More wrote:
>> Some excepts:
>> Unabomber finds forum from prison Kaczynski essay in newsletter again
>> seeks
>> society's downfall
>> In an article published this spring by Green Anarchy, a radical
>> environmental newsletter, Kaczynski calls on revolutionaries to
>> "eliminate
>> the entire techno-industrial system" by "hitting where it hurts" and
>> disparages the activities of most radicals as "pointless."
> Seems my earlier comments about the Unabomber being the patron saint of
> the luddite movement were dead on accurate. They certainly are listening
> to him on an ongoing basis. I predict that more luddite terrorism will
> follow.

This is a reasonable guess. However, I haven't heard about Kaczynski
lately, while the Luddites have been quite active in recent years. The
cause and effect may be backwards from what you suggest. The stronger
neo-Luddite movement have created a new market for Kaczynski's
ramblings. In other words, I think you give the man too much credit.
Another guess would be that advancing technology is scaring people all

Harvey Newstrom, CISSP		<>
Principal Security Consultant	<>

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