RE: conspiracy: david icke ?

From: Clinton Alexander (
Date: Sun Jul 28 2002 - 13:15:19 MDT

I spent some time reading David's site last night. John Lilly would have
called it "god as righteous wrath" in his book Simulations of God.

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From: []
On Behalf Of
Sent: Saturday, July 27, 2002 6:47 PM
Subject: conspiracy: david icke ?

Those of you in the UK will be aware of David Icke. He was once a
respected newsreader and sport commentator on british TV. His TV career
was abruptly ended when he started to make outlandish accusations and
self proclamations. something along the line of "I am the son of GOD"
and "The reptiles are ruling the earth."
      Hmmmmmmm. Me thinks something went Pop, fizz, fatal exception,
Blue screen.
      However, I have heard some of the arguments from this modern day,
self proclaimed prophet/Wacko and In a scary way, beside my logical
judgement, something seems to draw me to his seemingly unfounded rants
about the state of the world. He also has some interesting?!!! views
about 9/11. im still looking into this.
      His website details various conspiracy
theories that Mr Icke whole heatedly believes and has "Investigated".Mr
Icke is currently offering his services as a speaker and is
"enlightening" people around the world.
      I'm not by any means saying that I believe him, Quite the
contrary, But I am interested in why I and many others are drawn to this
kind of extreme conspiracy theory?
      Does any one on the list have any solid Psychological explanation
as to why people, even educated, highly intelligent people are sucked in
by this kind of thing?
I would class this kind of attraction along with cultism and religion,
who would agree?
      I can immediately see the attraction to people who feel "hard done
by" for the world not seeing their potential, Achievements, etc. But
does this group include everyone? or is the attraction to this kind of
thing more widespread?

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