Re: conspiracy: david icke ?

From: Sehkenenra (
Date: Sun Jul 28 2002 - 13:23:25 MDT

>Those who do the course get a diploma so they can go out and start their
>own courses and con people all by themselves. The only difference
>between this and religion / cult stuff is that it's always based on
>paying a lot of money, whereas some religions / cults are not.

I once told my mother that people will trust anything as long as it's coming
from somebody who can legitimately put the letters P-H-D by his or her
name... ever notice how authors in the New Age section almost always put
Dr., PhD, or what-have-you next to their names, but the authors in the
Science section seldom, if ever, bother?

-Nicq MacDonald
PS- Humorously enough, I accidentally typed P-K-D instead of P-H-D... I
sincerely hope that there isn't anyone out there who believes that
everything written by Phillip K. Dick is the truth <shivers at the

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