R: Popper, PCR, and Bayesianism (was group based judgment)

From: scerir (scerir@libero.it)
Date: Sat Jul 27 2002 - 15:13:37 MDT

    I find his claims like the one that we should regard
    entropy as subjective, quite misleading if not downright wrong.
    Taking his view, one would conclude either that "subjectivity"
    was not something limited to the operations of minds, ....

In the classical world, maximal information about a
system is complete in the sense of providing definite
answers for all possible questions that can be asked
of the system. In the quantum world, maximal information
is not complete and cannot be completed.
That is why people like Caves and Fuchs think that Bayesianism
is interesting.
For a readable and happy paper see also

    ......... or that the operation
    of the entire universe depends on human consciousness or the
    consciousness of some creature (which is a similar notion
    popular among some physicists such as Wheeler, in his notorious
    "participatory universe").

Wheeler had this idea when he realized that his "delayed choice
quantum measurement" could lead to the possibility of change
(here and now) the past (there and very ancient too). In this sense
the universe might be partecipatoty.

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