Re: Green is Bad!

From: TT (
Date: Fri Jul 26 2002 - 12:11:26 MDT

[quote from: on 2002-07-26 at 10:56:57]
===Comments about the offshore windpark:

Its not just a NIMBY situation since the Greens in the UK opposed this
off-shore park. Let the Greens create solar technology or what-have-you, and
then let the promote it.

I'm not sure about Green opposition to offshore windfarms in the UK, but I
have heard there are serious problems with the Ministry of Defence. Apparently
concentrations of wind turbines would form significant low level radar
shadows, and thus a threat to National Security. It seems that the MoD can
just veto turbine sites at will. This is why investors are becoming edgy
financing such operations, and who could blame them?

My solution would be for the MoD to stick a radar system out on the windfarm,
thus overcoming the problem and helping pay for the windfarm at the same
time. Maybe even giving it some protection as such a site may have to be
manned. I'm sure military uses could be found for offshore windfarm islands,
to keep the MoD happy...

IF offshore windfarms of substantial size can be built, then why not increase
the performance by building wave power energy generators at the base? It
seems, at first observation, that where there is sufficient wind there
would also be good wave generation. But I'm unsure of the ROI on wave power


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