Re: group-based judgement

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Wed Jul 24 2002 - 15:22:45 MDT

> > Today there is an article going around which
> illustrates the wisdom
> > of Harvey's advice, from
> >
> >
> > This paper shows that, under plausible
> > assumptions, the profiling methods
> > currently being used by the airlines, under
> > government supervision,
> > are actually *less* likely to detect terrorists
> > than random searches.

Profiling is certainly highly dependent upon how it is
applied. For example, profiling on citizenship or
immigration status with a population that is
disproportionately immigrant/foreign traveler/resident
doesn't work. For example, over 60% of users of
interstate bus service in the US are minorities or of
foreign origin. Profiling on such criteria at bus
terminals doesn't result in much savings, especially
in respect to the offense given.

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