Re: President's Bioethics council (Fwd: [StemCells] Digest Number

From: Jeff Davis (
Date: Tue Jul 23 2002 - 14:12:45 MDT

--- Samantha Atkins <> wrote:
> Please do not do this publicly! You can hurt causes
> we care about a lot.

--- Harvey Newstrom <> wrote:
> Please don't try this approach in the name of
> extropians! You will only make people hate us.

> And again, I implore you, please don't connect your
> "campaign" with extropy or extropians!

In deference to your concerns, I withdraw my remarks.
Take comfort in the knowledge that there is no
"campaign". My views on this subject are confined to
this list.

Further discussion might resolve some of the
disagreement between us, as well as clarify some areas
where you may have misinterpreted my meaning, but I
don't think it worthwhile. For (1), my views are
'from the sidelines' and have no impact on the
discussed larger events, and (2) I'm confident that
things will work out in our favor, ie technological
progress is unstoppable, so the matter is largely

Next topic.

Best, Jeff Davis
"We call someone insane who does not believe as we do
          to an outrageous extent."
                     Charles McCabe

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