Re:ECO: Saying Nay to the Doomsayers

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Mon Jul 22 2002 - 14:31:24 MDT

[quote from: Doctor on 2002-07-22 at 14:20:47]
I agree that technology will find a way to provide for us as most resources
are depleted. However, I would make two points:

1) This does not imply that we should simply consume resources at a maximal
rate until they are depleted. Alternative solutions still cost money to

Example: Global warming.

As resources get scarcer, their market value rises, thus the market
incentivises conservation technologies and techniques. The market will signal
the appropriate amount of capital to direct at such solutions as they become
economically feasible. Pushing fiat money at non-problems when they are not
cost effective wastes more resources than they save.

[quote from: Doctor on 2002-07-22 at 14:20:47]

Of course, if the singularity arrives before we suffer from this minor
calamity, no problem. We'll be machines anyway.

2) Not all resources can be replaced technologically.

Example: It is not clear whether the genetic information that dies with the
extinction of rare plant and animal species could be replaced quickly or at
all. Certainly, the natural historical information it may contain would be
lost. This is definitely not Extropy. As far as I am aware, there is no
significant \"free market approach\" to preserve endangered species.

It is not clear that the death of the last living example of a species
eliminates all future potential repopulations. So long as DNA survives from
tissue samples in labs and museums (and, yes, trophy game collections of
hunters), and so long as genetic technology is allowed to exist, the potential
to repopulate such species exists.

This message was posted by Mike Lorrey to the Extropians 2002 board on ExI BBS.

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