Re: Moon of cheese, Sun of iron

From: Amara Graps (
Date: Mon Jul 22 2002 - 03:53:36 MDT

All of this seems really odd to me. I don't think that this person is a
kook, but I just can't figure it out.

Anders Sandberg:
>The evidence seemed
> scant then, and there doesn't seem to be much new evidence around.

Well he talked about Galileo data.. but I have not seen him or his work
at any Jupiter conferences or papers recently. Why isn't he presenting
to his peers there? He would get the best feedback about Jupiter that

Also, I see that his work was presented at SOHO conferences, so surely
the helioseismologists would have given him feedback? The
helioseismologists have nailed down tightly the stellar evolution
backbone of astrophysics.

I thought for a moment, that his coworker, Sabu was a stellar
evolutionary person, but no, it's an old story, it seems:

In addition,

There are many 'mysteries' regarding solar system evolution. The
planetary science conferences these last several years have devoted at
least a couple of days each time to that topic. The journal articles
too. No 'conventional' theory exists any more, that I'm aware of, so
why is he saying that his theory goes against 'conventional' solar
system formation?

There's something more nagging at me that is not right concerning his
claim about xenon in meteroritic data too, but I don't have time to look
further, unfortunately.

>Overall, I find it rather amusing that so much discussion takes place
>about a *poster* on a meteor (not stellar physics!) conference. The
>power of science by press release.

power of press reports, indeed (and this one doesn't even originate from
JPL, who is the master of press releases...!)


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