Re: less sex, more brains!

From: John Grigg (
Date: Sat Jul 20 2002 - 23:57:57 MDT

I wrote:
>I would like it where people have the OPTION of delaying or
stopping/diminishing their sexual desires.

Damien wrote:
When I was a young nerd, I would have liked it where nerdish people had the
OPTION of NOT delaying or stopping/diminishing their sexual desires.
Eventually it turned out that way. O frabjous day! Calloo callay!

What made the difference?

I wrote:
>Instead of being simply "anti-sex", I think people should be more

Damien replied:
>I think people should mind their own fucking business.

I meant this in the sense that a person takes a personal inventory of themself, and not to be taken as a blank check to judge others in a self-righteous way.

What other people choose to do sexually does at times affect us(and society at large). We can do whatever we want to an extent, but not always evade the consequences of our actions, sexual and otherwise.

>(*Pace*, John.)

I see.




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