Re: Aquatic Ape thread

From: John K Clark (
Date: Sat Jul 20 2002 - 11:30:29 MDT

"Kevin Bluck" <>

> Critics also do a lot of somewhat Clintonesque parsing.
>For example, some critics seriously try to prove that
>humans are just as hairy as chimpanzees

I agree, it is silly to say humans are as hairy at chimps, but I don't see
what relevance hair has to the aquatic ape theory one way or the other.
Beavers can swim very well indeed and they have lots of hair. I don't think
the lack of hair is any great mystery because people can do something chimps
can't, when they want to cut down on heat loss they put a coat on, when hot
and they want to maximize heat loss they just take their coat off; that's
why although they may be slow people have very good endurance.

     John K Clark

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