enlightened action

From: Damien Broderick (d.broderick@english.unimelb.edu.au)
Date: Sat Jul 20 2002 - 01:46:32 MDT

Abandoning attachment to desires does not require inaction, luckily:

< In his wanderings, Gautama one day saw a herd of goats and sheep winding
their way through a narrow valley. Now and then the herdsman cried and ran
forward and backward to keep the members of the fold from going astray.
Among the vast flock Gautama saw a little lamb, toiling behind, wounded in
one part of the body and made lame by a blow of the herdsman. Gautama's
heart was touched and he took it up in his arms and carried it saying, "It
is better to relieve the suffering of an innocent being than to sit on the
rocks of Olympus or in solitary caves and watch unconcerned the sorrows and
sufferings of humanity". >

Not caring is the parody of serenity, as Alan Watts once remarked.

Damien Broderick

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