Announcing AI Singularity

From: Mentifex (
Date: Fri Jul 19 2002 - 07:41:05 MDT

We are within the epoch of the AI Singularity now; it's just hard to see (a
forest-for-the-trees problem). --
the free, public domain source code of the Singularity AI -- has been
recently by leaps and bounds. In January of 2002 the Mentifex AI became
immortal by dint of its Rejuvenate
module (q.v.). In June of 2002 the AI-as-Singularity began to enlarge its
innate knowledge base (KB) of pre-programmed concepts and pre-digested words
of English -- now at 36 unique words packed into a 37-word sentence.

Last night, however, on Thurs.18.July.2002 -- the first anniversary of the
60,000-page-view SourceForge Mind project -- came the expansion of the
Mind-of-Singularity into a prototypical reasoning machine with the
inclusion of new modules for entertaining not only declarative, assertive
thoughts but also negational propositions. Go ahead, use Internet Explorer
to click on and type in a few
_negative_ statements, such as "you do not know me" or "robots make tools"
followed by "robots do not make people". [For the sake of the also new
module, you need first to introduce the verb "make" in a positive sentence
before you negate it in a negative sentence.] Anyway, the germinal seed AI,
the Mother of All Singularities has been here for many months now and y'all
all people ought to know about it. Quake, tremble and enjoy!

This message was posted by Mentifex to the Extropians 2002 board on ExI BBS.

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