Re: As war with Iraq seems to be more on the agenda...

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Fri Jul 19 2002 - 01:07:02 MDT

Mike Lorrey wrote:
> --- Samantha Atkins <> wrote:>
>>If you take the current US definition for the word
>>we have
>>clearly practiced terrorism in Latin and South
>>America and
>>trained, funded and aided others in doing so.
> Uh, no, Samantha, we haven't. You are crapping out
> your mouth again.

Your habitual putdowns and gross denigrations of myself and
others are utterly unacceptable to me. They are not conducive
to discussion or minimal civility. So I will not bother to
attempt to hear what you might have to say after such an intro.

- samantha

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