Re: My Experience with Buddhism

From: Vanessa Novaeris (
Date: Thu Jul 18 2002 - 20:17:21 MDT

Party of Citizens wrote:

>Am I correct that the word "budh" means "awake"? Can someone then be a
>buddhist and be a Christian or Muslim or whatever at the same time?

Absolutely! Buddhism is more of a philosophy than a religion. For this reason,
it can be incorporated by people of all backgrounds into their spirituality
virtually without conflict. If The Dalai Lama Himself says so, then who am I
to argue? :P

Charles Hixson wrote:
<<In theory, yes. However I doubt that one could be both awake, and have
one's morals dictated by second hand reports of someone that one had never

oh boy...

<<Perhaps some sects of Christianity or Muslim don't require
that you abdicate your moral stance to the teachings of the Prophet or
Anointed One or whoever. But I haven't met any.>>

Just because you haven't met them, it doesn't mean they're not out there!!!

vanessa novaeris

This message was posted by Vanessa Novaeris to the Extropians 2002 board on ExI BBS.

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