Re: more sex, less brains?

Date: Thu Jul 18 2002 - 17:37:43 MDT

From: Mike Perry

>It's been pointed out that "sex" means different things, so there is room
for confusion in what one may mean by "anti-sex".<


I pointed this out, but I’m not quite the issue I wanted to discuss with
you. If apply “sex” to the variety of interpretations of the word, then
anti-gender, anti-sexual, anti-gentile, etc. are all the construals of

Mike in reply to Vanessa:

>As I took it, the general idea was to basically turn off or sidestep the
obsession with the reproductive act that nature has drummed into us.
Someone who desires or is comfortable with the turnoff could be called
"more or less anti-sex"--at least that's what I had in mind; sorry for any
confusion. Yes, it might be said that one is seeking asexuality, but to
achieve or approximate it may require a proactive stance; indeed, it's hard
to see how it would not, except in special circumstances.<


Now, this is what I was looking for.

Someone who desires a turnoff switch to sexual urges would not necessarily
be anti-sex. Someone who describes him/herself as asexual either has no
sex organ or does not partake in the sexual act, bit it would not
necessarily be anti-sex.

Primo Posthuman (new version of “Primo 3M+”) is non-gender specific, as was
Primo 3M+. I designed it that way. If a person wants a sexual aspect,
organ, gender, or otherwise, it can be added on. In its prototype stage,
it does not have a gender or organ.

Further Primo Posthuman’s metabrain contains the neuro network add-on
instrumentation for sexual arousal and also contains the ability to turn on
and off sexual interest and expression. Primo Posthuman is not anti-sex,
per se. It is non-sex. It is not even asexual, since asexual is human.

Regarding your view on anti-sex, it seems for you to be a philosophical and
physiological desire to forgo the what you believe to be the unnecessary
burdened of sex and sexuality, and/or not to partake in sexual activity.
**I'm not sure I understand that you do not want your sex organ. And, I'm
not sure that you do not want to identify with being a male.**

As I have said over the years, our sexuality, our sexual organs, and our
genders will undergo much change in the coming years to a point where the
need for sexuality, genital or gender undergoes an obsfucate, mosaic,
chimera, etc. This is biotechnological. Being actively "anti-sex" is more
of a philosophical or political stance.

By the way Mike, very nice Alcor issue. Enjoyed reading your pieces.

My best to you,


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