Re: CULTURE: It's easier to lie

From: spike66 (
Date: Mon Jul 15 2002 - 22:45:56 MDT

>>On Mon, 15 Jul 2002 18:28:20 -0400, Harvey wrote:
>>>I am getting tired of all these accounting scandals. [snip]
Aren't we all? It is depressing to think that we have not just a society
or a nation, but a species that is based on lying. Im not just talking
advertising, I mean systematic misrepresentation, so deeply ingrained
that if one tells the honest truth, people are confused or offended.

It isn't just humans. Many examples of denial and deception are
found in nature. Cats raise their backs to look bigger, many insect
species use camoflage, etc. Actually, the more one thinks about it,
almost every species manipulates information to their own advantage
in some way. Even our clothing is a disguise and an intentional
deception, in a sense.

If we get a more transparent society, it is unclear what humans will
do with all the correct information that becomes available. It will
be quite puzzling to see the world the way it really is, instead of some
pre-packaged religionized, disguised, advertized and politicized bunch
of intentional deception.


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