Re: SPACE: Going to the moon with shoehorning and bootstrapping

From: Vanessa Novaeris (
Date: Mon Jul 15 2002 - 19:10:23 MDT

samantha wrote:
Uh-huh. Time to check the amount of growth hormones consumed in milk and
dairy in this country. The US is the only developed
country I know of that allows using recombinant bovine growth
hormone in feeding its dairy cows. This stuff passes into our
milk supply. There is a fair amount of evidence that the age of
menarche for American females is dropping rapidly (on occassion,
as low as 3 years old). So large increases in size are not
necessarily benigh or without more prosaic causes.

Thanks so much for this - its good to know I'm not imagining things. But I
really had no idea the problem can be *that* extreme. Its definitely a good
thing to know & keep an eye out for. I've tried to convince my parents to take
some preventative measures with basic things (like milk, lawn chemicals, etc.)
but they don't seem too concerned. Perhaps in a few more years when the kids
are 7 feet tall & glow in the dark they might be interested ;P

vanessa novaeris

This message was posted by Vanessa Novaeris to the Extropians 2002 board on ExI BBS.

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