Re: As war with Iraq seems to be more on the agenda...

Date: Sun Jul 14 2002 - 20:17:25 MDT

Samantha opined:
<<Some will accuse me of being "anti-American" for posting such
things or claim it has nothing to do with our quick dash to
Singularity and hence shouldn't be here. But I believe we
become "anti-American" and fail the intelligence test that leads
us to Singularity when we stop questioning and thinking outside
our own current opinions and assume that the world is irrelevant
as the Singularity is at hand.
- samantha >>

I have heard, from several Evangelicals over the years, that the Time of
Tribulations is upon us. I have thought, wow, when has the world not had
tribulations? In 1932, the head of the Southern Baptists in the USA actuall
said he hoped things woould get worse, as it would make it closer to the time
Jesus would return, so any problems would really be temporary, for the saved,
of course.

Change the word from Singularity to Rapture, and the commentary seems almost
identical. Will the Singularity be our friend? I dunno, and its advocates
don't know
either. Will it be hostile, or rather have effects that would destroy us, and
again, the answer is nobody knows. While a friendly sysop component is being
developed by imagined computer scientists in the USA, will some SIAI take
over in the meantime, something cobbled together in Bulgaria, or Brazil? I

Right now Islamic nukes have a decent chance of breaking up the USA,
according to Professor Gale at the U of Penn, by attacking data centers and
power lines. Gale had forecast in 1998 that terrorists would crash hijacked
planes into the WTC and the Pentagon. The FAA shrugged their shoulders and
said such acts were as unpreventable as meteor strikes.

I hold with the toppling of Saddam, as I have for several years preceding
9-11, the W adminsitration, and Bubba Clinton's assignation with the

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