Re: Perhaps the Most Totally Evil Film Ever Made - Airing tonight on prime t...

From: Sehkenenra (
Date: Sun Jul 14 2002 - 15:05:30 MDT

>Hate em? Perhaps. Have contempt, certainly. So Last century? Well, yes, but the calendar is not the UberMind, and frankly, not much has really changed, >technologically speaking. Look at our energy systems, our medicine, our life-spans, and our transportation methods. Not exactly Buck Rogers, is it? So >perhaps the mindsets that you "zing" still have some intellectual purchase on the 21st century?
>I mean if the background set doesn't change, the play might just be the same?
    Imagine if a man from 1890 came into the world of 2002 for a little while... just start to count the ways in which our world would look like pure sci-fi to him. All the things we take for granted- from the Internet and CD Players to nuclear energy and weaponry, from airplanes and sattelite communications to the glowing cities and massive glass and steel buildings, from quantum mechanics and the Human Genome Project- not to mention the mass dissemination of cultural artefacts and regional tastes, and such seemingly simple things as the sheer diversity of culinary options the average city dweller now has. No, our life spans haven't increased significantly, but medicine has certainly advanced. Many diseases that, a century ago, were fatal are now either preventable, cureable, or at the very least treatable- we've developed a seemingly endless battery of techniques for combatting disease.
    Things certainly have changed... and this is only the beginning.
    -Nicq MacDonald

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