Re: SPACE: Going to the moon (was: news spin on cryonics)

From: spike66 (
Date: Sat Jul 13 2002 - 23:06:01 MDT

Robert J. Bradbury wrote:

>I don't see any argument that one would have to go to the moon today
>the way we did it in the '60s (one shot from the ground).
We wouldn't *need* to do it that way, but I fear it might still be
the best way to get it done.

> What is
>the feasibility of launching a mini-external tank, fueling it
>with resources launched on smaller vehicles -- a Delta IV has about
>25% the payload capacity of a Saturn V -- and then sending a shuttle
>off to the moon?
There is no point in hauling wings and wheels all the way out to the moon,
where they are useless. A much lighter payload released from the
shuttle might
be taken to the moon. spike

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